Botswana Casinos Kyrgyzstan gambling halls
Sep 102024

If you like to have a drink occasionally, keep your cash out of the casino if you set out to do your drinking in a casino. I’m serious. Empty your pocketbook, your billfold, and leave all money, credit cards and chequebooks at home. Only take only the cash you expect to use on beverages, tipping and few dollars you anticipate to squander and leave the remainder behind.

Cynical? Not by any means. Realistic more like. You might have a success after a drunken night out with your friends and be lucky sufficiently to hit a 25 minute roll at a hot craps table. Hang on to that account because it’s as short-lived as it gets if you consistently consume alcohol and gamble. The two simply don’t mix.

Leaving your cash at home is a bit dramatic, but defensive actions for dramatic behavior is compulsory. If you bet to profit, then do not consume alcohol and bet. If you can afford to burn your cash without a concern, then consume all the no charge alcohol you are able to handle, but do not carry plastic credit and chequebooks to throw into the mix of chasing losses after your befuddled brain loses everything!

Permit me to carry this one step more. Don’t consume alcohol and then jump on the net to wager in your preferred internet casino either. I enjoy a cocktail from the coziness of my house, but since I’m connected through Neteller, Firepay and have credit cards in close proximity, I can’t drink alcohol and bet.

What’s the reason? Despite the fact that I do not drink alcohol a lot, once I drink, it’s absolutely enough to cloud my better judgment. I gamble, so I do not drink alcohol when gambling. If you are more of a drinker, don’t bet when you do. When mixed, both create a dangerous, and crazy, cocktail.

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